STOcomm monitors the actual execution of your turnaround, giving you the ability to read schedules, view progress data and receive real-time updates from anywhere, right on your cell phone or tablet.
Due to the low threshold of training required to use STOcomm, combined with Role-Based Permissions, data cannot be corrupted, but is easily communicated to everyone with a stake in the event. By transferring your data from STOplanner into this cloud-based platform that updates the status immediately, you’ll bring visibility to all stakeholders, driving improvements in communication and team collaboration.
- Real-Time Schedule
- Real-Time Key Performance Analytics
- Mobile Update App (IOS & Android)
- Hand-Off tools
Improve Communication to Increase Collaboration
STOcomm monitors the actual execution of your turnaround, giving you the ability to read schedules, view progress data and receive real-time updates from anywhere, right on your cell phone or tablet.
Due to the low threshold of training required to use STOcomm, combined with Role-Based Permissions, data cannot be corrupted, but is easily communicated to everyone with a stake in the event. By transferring your data from STOplanner into this cloud-based platform that updates the status immediately, you’ll bring visibility to all stakeholders, driving improvements in communication and team collaboration.
- Real-Time Schedule
- Real-Time Key Performance Analytics
- Mobile Update App (IOS & Android)
- Hand-Off tools